
Post 4: Essay on Masculinity, Fatherhood and Feminism

The family has their foundations in patriarchy. From that point is where this shaping institution has been built for the functioning of society. That’s based on the distribution of gender roles specific to men and women, where it’s the man who must provide the rest of the family with money, food and protection, leaving the woman in the background. According to Michele Mattelart (1982), through the image created by cultural industries, the "modern" woman begins to complete a double day's work: Outside and inside the home, while there’s no questioning of the man's work within the family. In that way, women also fulfill a “balancing” function in relationships inside the home and in the to tal society. More than challenges for "modern parenthood", the analysis and discussion should be focused on the questioning of the construction of the family as a whole , understanding the multiplicity of factors that come into discussion. It’s correct to say that

Post 3: La Manchita

It’s sad for me to write this because I have always wanted to adopt a dog, but my family doesn’t like animals and there’s nothing that makes them change their mind. I've tried many times but they don't change this decision. This is so sad. Due to this reason, I would like to write about La Manchita! The Macarena’s dog. Actually, it’s the closest thing to living with a dog that has happened to me. Every time I go to his house, Manchita goes to the door to wait for us. She is very pretty! I love see Maca hugging her dog and making love to her stomach. Macarena says that Manchita loves me very much because she always approaches me and wants me to care for her. Sometimes, I have walked with her on the street, but I am very afraid that she will try to get away. I think it's a lot of responsibility, and I can't stand that lol. What I like most about La Manchita is that Maca is very happy with her. That's the best of her!

The Silvio's concert

In fact, I have been to two concerts in my entire life. Sometimes I envy the people who publish photos and videos about the concerts every weeks! Pearl Jam and Silvio Rodriguez were the concerts I have been to. I think the concert of Silvio Rodriguez was the best. That’s the past year. Almost one year! I went with my friend Sebastian and my brother Javier. Originally, my brother had invited a friend and I don’t know him and I don’t remember why he doesn’t go.  Silvio Rodriguez is a cuban singer and he leader the Nueva Trova movement in Cuba. My favourites songs of Silvio is “Oleo de una mujer con Sombrero” and “La Maza”. I hope this old cuban men never died. The concert was in Movistar Arena and many people arrived! I saw people with the Cuba’s flag and shouting for the revolution! It’s was fantastic. Ultimately, I have been thinking about this concert and I don’t stop think of was very short! I didn't want it to end and it was very sad when that happened.


In fact, I don’t too excite for travel to any country. I thought in many places, like Russia, England or France, because their culture and language interest me. Also, this idea colonialist is always present. However, until now I don’t thought in Latin America. At that moment, I remember my wish for visit Cuba. I’m not sure why I would like visit Cuba. Maybe for the idealization of this country in my mind. I don’t know. The only thing I know about Cuba are some things about its history, besides its fight againts child malnutrition and illiteracy rate. I appreciate that. Also, there are many caricature and lies around this country. In addition to visit some places of Cuba, I’ve thought about the possibility of living there. Despite knowing mucho about Cuba and my disgust for warm or tropical climates (I love winter and rain), I’d love to study communications or something related of educattion. I want to live an experience far from capitalism.