Post 4: Essay on Masculinity, Fatherhood and Feminism

The family has their foundations in patriarchy. From that point is where this shaping institution has been built for the functioning of society. That’s based on the distribution of gender roles specific to men and women, where it’s the man who must provide the rest of the family with money, food and protection, leaving the woman in the background.

According to Michele Mattelart (1982), through the image created by cultural industries, the "modern" woman begins to complete a double day's work: Outside and inside the home, while there’s no questioning of the man's work within the family. In that way, women also fulfill a “balancing” function in relationships inside the home and in the total society.

More than challenges for "modern parenthood", the analysis and discussion should be focused on the questioning of the construction of the family as a whole, understanding the multiplicity of factors that come into discussion. It’s correct to say that patriarchy has pigeonholed man to a specific function, but without a doubt there are major problems related to systematic violence towards women who have a much greater urgency and importance.

One of the greatest and outstanding needs is to continue thinking about the family's role for capitalism and patriarchy. The maintenance of this structure is vital for this system. So, the question that arises is, should we rethink how the family and its roles are structured or should we move towards abolishing it?


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